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Former people

PhD Students

Title: “Photoresistance and electroresistance in ferroelectric tunnel junctions based on BaTiO3 and Hf0.5Zr0.5O2”
Period: 1/9/2018 –  25/11/2022
Supervisors: Ignasi Fina and Josep Fontcuberta

Title: “Photoresponsive polar LuMnO3 and nonpolar LaFeO3 oxides in non-centrosymmetric structures”
Period: 1/9/2018 –  27/10/2022
Supervisors: Ignasi Fina and Josep Fontcuberta

Title: “Doping and interface effects on the ferroelectric properties of epitaxial HfO2-based thin films”
Period: 1/9/2018 –  19/9/2022
Supervisors: Ignasi Fina and Florencio Sánchez

Title: “Nanoscale study of epitaxial ferroelectric Hf0.5Zr0.5O2 thin films and BaTiO3/SrTiO3 superlattices”
Period: 1/2017 – 28/5/2021
Supervisors: Florencio Sánchez and Jaume Gàzquez

Title: “Epitaxial ferroelectric thin films on Si(001): Strain tuning of BaTiO3 and stabilization of polar phase in Hf0.5Zr0.5O2”
Period: 1/1/2015 – 12/9/2019
Supervisors: Florencio Sánchez

Title: “Resistive switching in nanometric BaTiO3 ferroelectric capacitor”
Period: 9/2015 – 11/2018
Supervisors: Ignasi Fina and Josep Fontcuberta

Title: “Ferroelectric nanoengineering for enhanced performance”
Starting: 1/9/2018
Supervisors: Ignasi Fina

Title: “Photoelectric effects in BaTiO3 ferroelectric thin films”
Period: 9/2013 – 7/2017
Supervisors: Ignasi Fina and Josep Fontcuberta

Title: “Photoelectric effects in BaTiO3 ferroelectric thin films”
Period: 27/4/2017
Supervisors: Florencio Sánchez and Josep Fontcuberta


Master Students

Title: “Growth and characterization of ferrimagnetic Y3Fe12O5 and conducting transparent Ba0.95La0.05SnO3 thin films ”
Period: 21/7/2016
Supervisors: Florencio Sánchez

Title: “Ferroelectric properties of epitaxial La-doped HfO2 grown on different substrates”
Period: 2/2021 – 6/2021
Supervisors: Ignasi Fina and Florencio Sánchez

Title: “The influence of the top-contact metal on the ferroelectric properties of epitaxial ferroelectric Hf0.5Zr0.5O2 thin films”
Period: 9/2019 – 10/2020 
Supervisors: Ignasi Fina

Title: “Photovoltaic effects in ferroelectrics-based devices”
Period: 9/2017 – 6/2018
Supervisors: Ignasi Fina

Title: “Ferroelectric materials for photovoltaics”
Period: 3/2017 – 9/2017
Supervisors: Ignasi Fina and Josep Fontcuberta

Bachelor Students

Title: “Magnetoelectric effects in multiferroic HfO2 based devices”
Starting: 1/1/2023 
Supervisors: Ignasi Fina

Title: “Series resistance effects on HZO ferroelectric capacitors”
Starting: 1/1/2023 
Supervisors: Ignasi Fina

Title: “Switching spectroscopy in ferroelectric capacitors”
Starting: 15/9/2022  
Supervisors: Alberto Quintana

Title: “Temperature dependent ferroelectric characterization in La:HfO2 films”
Period: 1/2022 – 6/2021
Supervisors: Ignasi Fina

Title: “Magnetic properties of flexible FeRh thin films”
Period: 9/2020 – 1/2021
Supervisors: Ignasi Fina

Title: “Memristive behaviour in BaTiO3 and LuMnO3 structures”
Period: 1/2020 – 6/2020 
Supervisors: Ignasi Fina

Title: “Stability of ferroelectric loops against thermal cycling”
Period: 9/2019 – 1/2020 
Supervisors: Ignasi Fina

Title: “Enhanced tunnel electroresistance in ferroelectric/dielectric bilayer”
Period: 1/2019 – 6/2019
Supervisors: Ignasi Fina

Title: “Development of a ferroelectric characterization set-up with temperature control”
Period: 1/2019 – 6/2019 
Supervisors: Ignasi Fina

Title: “Relation between polarization y photocurrent phenomena in BaTiO3 thin films”
Period: 1/2019 – 6/2019
Supervisors: Ignasi Fina

Title: “Photocurrent dependence on thickness in ferroelectric BaTiO3 films”
Period: 1/2019 – 6/2019
Supervisors: Ignasi Fina

Title: “Development of a room temperature characterization set for ferroelectrics materials”
Period: 9/2018 – 1/2019
Supervisors: Ignasi Fina

Title: “Surface plamons creation in BaTiO3 thin films to enhance photovoltaic efficiency”
Period: 9/2018 – 1/2019
Supervisors: Ignasi Fina

Title: “Ferroelectric components to mimic neurons”
Period: 2/2018 – 7/2018
Supervisors: Ignasi Fina

Title: “New materials for invisible memory devices”
Period: 2/2018 – 7/2018
Supervisors: Ignasi Fina