Our FErroelectric/DiElectric laboratory is specially designed to characterize all kind of functional properties of ferroelectric and multiferroic thin films.
Laboratory lead and designed by Dr. Ignasi Fina
The following characterizations can be performed:
Impedance spectroscopy Z(w), for w<1MHz, look in I. Fina, et al., Thin Solid Films 518, 4710(2010).
Capacitance and loss tangent measurements as a function of frequency (between 5Hz and 13 MHz) and voltage up to 35 V, look in D. Gutiérrez, et al.,. Physical Review B 86, 125309 (2012).
Hysteresis loops: I(V) and P(E) for applied voltages up to 500 V and 10 kHz usinf TFAnalayser3000 from Aixacct, look in I. Fina, Journal of Applied Physics 109, 074105 (2011).
I-V curves for the purpose of leakage characterization, look in M. Scigaj, et al., Scientific Reports 6, 31870 (2016).
Pyrocurrent measurements, with the help of a Keithley 617 electrometer, look in I. Fina, et al.,Physical Review B 88 (10), 100403 (2013)
Photoelectric characterization with a set of lasers (1500 mW/cm2) with different wavelengths (405 – 638 nm), look in F. Liu, et al., Advanced Electronic Materials 1, 1500171.
Electroresistance characterization using using as fast as 100 us electrical pulses, look in M.Qian et al., Small 15, 1805042 (2019).
All these characterizations can be implemented in three experimental setups, to perform respectively room temperature, high and low temperature, or cryogenic magnetoelectric measurements:
Room temperature measurements: a table with micropositioners (Signatone S-2 and S-725) and tungsten needles of several diameters and hardnesses is used. A Faraday box is available to shield environmental noise when required.
Low and high-temperature probe station: a 4-probes station able to reach from down to 5 K to ca. 1000 K with access to laser illumination.
Cryogenic measurements (T>1.6K): they are performed inside a Physical Property Measurement System Quantum Design Co.) with a Multifunction probe suitably adapted (shielded cables with low thermal losses: Cryo cable – type SS, Lakeshore Co.). This system contains a superconducting magnet which allows to carry out all the electric measurements under magnetic fields up to 9T, thus allowing magnetoelectric characterization under high magnetic field.